Whether you are going abroad on holiday or on business it is important that you get an updated health check and relevant vaccinations & medications.
Occupational Health Works Ltd, a registered Yellow Fever Clinic, provides travel advice on anti-malarial drugs, vaccinations & disease prevention for the public & employees travelling abroad. We can provide you with all your travel vaccines, immunisations, mosquito nets, first aid kits plus expert medical advice on malaria, yellow fever and a host of other travel related issues for your journey.
Yellow Fever is strongly recommended for many countries in Central America and Equatorial Africa as it is endemic in these regions. In fact a few countries will prohibit entry without a certificate from a registered clinic.
Malaria is a problem in many areas of the world and prophylactics such as tablets should be taken prior to leaving for such places. The type of tablet varies according to the area you will be visiting.
Hepatitis B is recommended for those travelling for longer periods such as gap-year travellers and voluntary workers where possible contact with body fluids may arise. This is a course of three injections.
Similarly Tick and Japanese Encephalitis is common in South East Asia and precautions should be taken, particularly by vaccination.
* Full details can only be obtained by a visit to the clinic.
The clinic also provides the following vaccines:
Cholera, Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B**, Meningitis ACWY, Rabies**, Tick Encephalitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Combined Hepatitis A & B**, Junior Hepatitis A**, Junior Hepatitis B**, Junior Tick Encephalitis**, Polio (inactivated)
Medications provided include:
Chloroquine, Doxycycline, Mefloquine (Lariam), Malarone, Malarone paediatric, Paludrine)
Further information can be obtained from www.masta-travel-health.com
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received you have the right to complain. Please contact: Kate Sweeney, Director, Occupational Health Works Ltd, 90 Mitchell Street, Glasgow G1 3NQ, Telephone: 0141 221 4224, Email: info@ohworks.com
Or alternatively directly to Healthcare Improvement Scotland on 0141 225 6999 ( Glasgow ) or 0131 623 4379 ( Edinburgh )
Registered with Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Registration number: 00661.